Persona 5 the animation
Persona 5 the animation

persona 5 the animation

If you want to experience the game but don’t want the time investment of playing through all of it, (and trust me, the game is huge) than this might be for you.

persona 5 the animation

Largely because it is just doing what it was supposed to.

persona 5 the animation

There isn’t always something to say about P5TA. That along with the actual anime exclusive scenes, like seeing some of the characters in new situations, or seeing them given more backstory like showing them as children, gives the anime merit to watch even if you have played the game, a common criticism. The character development was taken from the ‘confidant’ system so if you didn’t complete everyone’s confidant or maybe just were not paying attention you could be seeing new content. Chances are you didn’t complete everything in the game unless you played it through multiple times, so some of what you will be seeing from the characters could be a new experience. If you like the characters, they will translate nicely. In many cases however, what likely appealed to you in the game should transition into the anime. People who haven’t played the game probably won’t see that much of an issue in these. Usually I wouldn’t give these issues a pass, but like I said since it was mainly being compared to the game I do. And although the pacing is considerably better in the second half of the show, the beginning is way too fast. The faraway faces are sometimes laughable. The CG usage was often bad, especially in the background characters walking around. They are noticeably apparent, and part of why it led to widespread hate of the P5 anime. With all that being said, I am not trying to defend the bad parts of the P5 anime. The anime should be given some slack in that regard. This was a direct result of poor animation, bad pacing, and cutting out parts of the game. The game was made by thousands of more people, have had years to develop, and is generally taken more serious. As I do see where most the criticism comes from, the root of it is from people who compare to the game, this probably isn’t a fair way to look at it. I wasn’t coming into this expecting what I got from the game, and neither should you. Persona 5’s stand alone story is not what made the game special, rather just one factor. It was clear from the start that this wasn’t going to be like the game at all, as most game adaptations never are. However, my expectations played a part in the viewing experience. With its cheap animation, off-pacing at times, and generally its lack of what made the game special. Even with that, the anime was considered a disappointment from the start. It won 2017 Game Awards “RPG of the Year” And was ranked at was of the top games of the year by many gaming outlets.

#Persona 5 the animation series

Persona 5, another addition to the long time SMT/Persona series was a huge success in both the west and in Japan. Unfortunately for game anime adaptations, they have a steep hill to climb to recapture the magic you get from playing through them.

Persona 5 the animation